""Drip" Song for Cartune Walter Lantz has purchased the song, •Water Lou, Drip! Drip! Drip!" from Del Porter and Carl Hoefle to use as the basis of a Cartune by the same name. Ben Hardaway and Milt Schaeffer are working on the script. Lantz is also preparing two more brlefles, both of which are untitled,
for current season release."
"WALTER LANTZ has added "(ungle live," with a South Seas locale, to his Cartunes lineup. Arthur Heinoman and James Culhane are preparing the"
"In order to see two features, the patrons of this theatre must be In the hou.se at 8:55. In this instance. If a 9:00 showing has been advertised consistently, it would be well to include a cartoon to add seven or eight minutes running time to the pro-"
"a Popeye cartoon and two fea-"
""Squander Bug" Creator Son of Springfield Man
Springfield Theodore Sue.ss Geisel. cartoonist, humorist, writer and illustrator of children's books, whose latest creation, the "squander bug." is being used by the treasui-y department in a campaign to divert more money into the war effort, is the son of Theodore Geisel. local superintendent of parks. Stationed on the west coast for more than a year. Geisel is attached to the Hollywood division of special service as a captain in the information branch. He had tlie job of "Americanizing" the bug. known to the British government for some time, as a part of his work."
"Before schools let out for the holidays arrange for your Kiddie shows, if you plan your Christmas Kiddie Party after Christmas rather than a Saturday before. When the cartoons are arranged with the booker,"
"up with a contest of some kind a coloring contest will do. If you have a Bugs Bunny show run the contest around Bugs Bunny, or for that matter, any of the cartoon characters in the show. You might give a dime store a display in the lobby in exchange for candy and some prizes for your Christmas party. A good stunt that has been tried and"
"Fuss and Feathers
20th-Fox (Dribble Puss Parade)
9 Mins.
this short,
Lehr handles the narration
on a single
Her Honor the Mare
Paramount 7 Mins, (Popeye) Good. Popeye appears in his first Technicolor release and all of his countless fans will hail the event. The gorgeous color adds immensely to its enjoyment. Popeye's four little nephews find an old mare. They decide to bring her home but the animal's size presents a problem. There is a bit of horseplay, and the mare finally wins a home when she becomes a mother. The new Popeye series should cut quite a swath in the cartoon field.
which features birds with gorgeous plumage. Coupled with Lehr's jocular narration and the unusual subjects, the footage emerges as a unique short suitable for
^nt to sing.
of the Treasure
9 Mins.
(Color Rhapsody)
6 Mins.
Very Good.
(Magic Carpet) A worthy successor
delightful fantasy of childrod is here transferred to the screen in one the best cartoons ever turned out by Pro.:er Dave Fleischer. An original song by ;ul Worth bearing the same title as the film ids immeasurably to its entertainment val:r.
vious releases in this series
this short
which Lowell Thomas' resonant voice is heard as the narrator. The reel depicts the lush beauties of an Indian maharajah's domain. All of the pomp of a royal court is shown, making the reel of more than passing interest.
This is cartoon of unusual merit which he booked on virtually any program.
Phony Express
(Throe Stooges)
17 Mins.
Unusual Occupations
10 Mins.
The Hopeful Donkey
(Terrytoon Cartoon)
into the discard
7 Mina.
because he has outlived his usefulness, the donkey leaves home. While trekking along a highway he is joined by a bevy of other animals who comfort him. Then his luck changes and all is well again. The second part of the short shows how the fable would be done today. It's replete with boogie woogie and jive."
"Duck Makes Good
(Terrytoon Cartoon)
7 Mins."
Good. Plenty of laughs in this footage, which should more than please the kids and many adults, too. The duck is an amusing fellow whose antics will undoubtedly create laughs galore.
use. That's wife starts.
with his
"Way Down
Yonder Corn
(Fox & Crow)
Vory Good.
, '
a acarocTow
The wily crow puis one over the latter, who is a farmer, Impersonating a
the crow gets the iob. But the fox the tables when he, himself, imjonnto.T a scarecrow. This is a color ear-
The Old Army
Very Good.
7 Mins.
(Wall Disney Productions)
Donald Duck trios to outwit the tough array sergeant by filling the barracks beds with dummies and playing a phonograph racording of various kinds of
chasing Donald with a bayonet. Disney fans will revel in this latest release
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