Title: War Dogs
Studio: MGM
Date: 10/09/43
Directed by
William Hanna
Joseph Barbera
Pete Burness
Kenneth Muse
Irven Spence
Jack Zander
Music ...
Scott Bradley
Series: -
Running time (of viewed version): 6:47
Commercial DVD Availability:
Reunion In FranceSynopsis: Life of a dog-faced army dog.
Comments: MGM era H&B without T&J? Very unusual. Slightly Tom like dog. Largely blackout gags with a single dog guy. Almost like a Goofy cartoon that way. More WB like tho (or like Avery's unit, yet with a much wilder style. Not much to comment on in the cartoon. Certainly decent, but...
Original art from http://auction.howardlowery.com/
They appear to be Ken Muse drawings at the bottom.