Title: Boogie Woogie Man (Will Get You If You DOn't Watch Out)
Studio: Lantz
Date: 09/27/43
Music and Lyrics
Alberta Nichols & Mann Holiner
Lew Mel Morgan Trio
James Culhane
Ben Hardaway - Milt Schaffer
Darrell Calker
Verne Harding - - Les Kline
Series: Swing Symphony
Running time (of viewed version): 6:59
Commercial DVD Availability: WWv2d2
Synopsis: Bloodless musical number for ghosts in a ghost town.

Comments: Open on a sign. Mics with "Boo" and "Yahh" next to each other. Was Booyah a saying then? I'm not sure if the dark ghosts are meant to be black or just shadowed (as opposed to the brown ghosts). Goosepimpled wooden leg is guh. THe spoken/rapped dialogue is all a bad fit. Did they recycle the jitterbug stock footage again?. Spook Jones parody of Spike Jones. This doesn't have very much energy. The party just kinda breaks up and the thing is over.
To me it comes across as a cartoon begun by someone else and finished by Culhane, based on his work on the later Swing Symphonies, where the pacing is faster and the designs look more like what Jones and Tashlin were doing when Shamus was working at Warners (the designs here look more like those Lovy had been doing for Lantz in the early 40s).