BoxOffice, April 3, 1943
"No Spoken Dialogue
"Try Imagination," Columbia's Technicolor musical cartoon being produced by Dave Pleisher, will contain no spoken dialogue."
"DAVE FLEISHER has begun production on "Try Imagination," Technicolor musical cartoon which will contain no spoken dialogue. Libretto was written by Fleischer, the music by Paul Worth, with Edward Kilfeather handling the musical direction."
Cartoons for adults
"Adults Only Asked to See "Ravaged Earth" in K. C. Kansas City — "Ravaged Earth." made largely by Mark L. Moody, a business man, 16mm and later made into a standard film and distributed by Crystal, is at the Music Hall in the Municipal Auditorium advertised for adults only at 35 cents matinees. 56 cents nights. It drew around 7.000 paid admissions the first two days, and is showing continuously 1 to 11. The feature is accompanied by four shorts; namely, an educational, a comedy, a sports and a cartoon. James Nixon, Music Hall manager, reports that only few children have sought admission unaccompanied by adults. A keynote in the advertising has been "It Will Make You Fighting Mad." For Nixon, used to managing stage shows, this is the first picture engagement in the seven years he has been in charge. He recalls having two or three in local theatres years ago. His experience in the show business in Kansas City goes back"
p ("showmandizer" section?)
"pre-Palm Sunday shows featured super-man cartoons."
"Cartoon Carnival in New York At the State, Tupper Lake, N. Y., Clayton Cornell staged a Kiddies Easter Cartoon Carnival on the Saturday before Easter, booking four special cartoons in addition to the regular program. He used heralds, house to house, stage announcements. sp>ecial ads and readers and plugs in the Kiddie Corner column of weekly paper to advertise the carnival. Cornell also staged a special Easter show, featuring four Bugs Bunny cartoons, plus two features, on a Wednesday following Easter. He used a herald paid for by a dairy and promoted the daily additionally for 500 bottles of chocolate milk for the kids."
THe word Disney does not show up in the text cache. This is unusual.
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