BoxOffice, February 6, 1943
"Disney Doing Research On Aryan Myth Film New York — Walt Disney in New York doing research on an Aryan myth film. He intends to explode Hitler's racial theories. He has two staff writers with him."
"Spirit of '43" Gets Disney Treasury Film Set Across Country Feb. 4"
"New York —Donald Duck's "Spirit of '43." made for the treasury department, opens solid across the nation February 4. Every one of the 677 Technicolor prints available has been booked and will be shown in the first run theatres in key cities."
"The treasury is calling upon you again," wired Secretary Morgenthau, "confident that you will respond as you did last Mr. Disney has prepared another year. film dealing with the subject of taxes. 'The Spirit of '43.' The exhibition of this film as much in advance of March 15 as possible will be a distinct service to the treasury and to the 35 million people who will pay income tax this year. The message the film contains was never more important than today. I am confident, from past experience, that your response will be outstanding."
"National Screen, handling distribution, reports an unprecedented demand for playdates which will assure a record-breaking audience for the tax message. The WAC's public relations division now organized in every city of 25.000 or more is supporting the short with a double-barreled campaign. In addition to publicizing the film, this group will slant press material to emphasize the message it contains."
p51 "Walt Disney has been reported in and around Minneapolis incognito with members of his artists' staff. It is believed he is on a government mission in connection with cartoon comedies built around activities at local war plants."
p() "A Disney Dance was sponsored by the Royal Sussex lodge of Masons in Halifax. Because of the proceeds being for Masonic charity, the sanction of the Walt Disney studios was asked for and received, to use Disney decorations and creations."
p(late) : "Dumbo Played this one late. No business on these cartoon features for me. A lot of kids but hardly any adults, so Played Saturday. Weather: Cold. that's no percentage. Arthur E. Phifield, Park, South Berwick, Maine. Small town patronage. Admission: 25-15"
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