"Disney's Bank Loans Cut; Present Officers Stay
Announcing reduction of the Walt Disney Productions' bank loans by $560,000 between end of the fiscal year and February 2, 1943, George E. Morris, secretarytreasurer, further stated improvement had been made in the company's financial position upon receipt of funds which had been impounded in Great Britain. At a board of directors meeting, all present officers of the company were re-elected. while George E. Jones, vice-president of Mitchum, Tully & Co., was added as director by preferred stockholders."
"Walt Disney, Mrs. Disney, Joseph Grant and Mrs. Grant and Richard Heumer of
the Disney staff are at the Warwick Joseph Mullen, Mexico manager for 20th Century-Fox, was in town during the week for conferences with Irving Maas, assistant manager of the International Department Murray Schaffer has been named eastern adsales supervisor by Adsales Director Ed Hollander at 20th-Fox John P. Edmondson, formerly of the 20th-Fox legal department, has been promoted from first lieutenant to captain in the army air forces in England William Morgan will go to Barcelona, Spain, soon to supervise Spain and Portugal sales and the reopened Casablanca and Algiers branches."
"Edgar Moss, district manager, came in from Philadelphia to attend the meeting and Harvey Day. Terrytoon. Inc., representative, stopped off en route from Charlotte to New York Bill Fisher,
. , .
former office manager at Universal, is 7iow connected with the office of Sidney Lust Ira Sichelman and Sam Epstein"
"Frank Marti's Copacobana Samba Band
introduced "Saludos Amigos." the theme song of Walt Disney's film of the same name at the February 12 opening of the picture at the Globe John B. Kennedy, commentator on the News of the Day reel, is going to take on another air program, a newscast for Chevrolet on the full CBS network Lawrence Puck, former talent scout for RKO, has returned to CBS as net. . . . . ."
Oscar noms
"Short Subjects
V," Terrytoons, (20th-Fox). The Blitz Wolf," (M-G-M). "Der Fuehrer's Face," Walt Disney, (RKO). "Juke Box Jamboree," (Univ), Walter Lantz, "Pigs in a Polka," (WB), Leon Schlesinger, Producer. "Tulips Shall Grow," (Para). George Pal Puppetoon."
"Disney Directors and All Oiiicers Are Re-elected
annual stockholders' meeting of Walt Disney Productions saw the re-election of Walter E. Disney. Roy O. Disney. Gunther R. Lessing, George E. Morris and Jonathan B. Lovelace to the board of directors, and the naming of George E. Jones, vice-president of Mitchum, Tully and Co., Following the stockholders' meeting, the board re-elected the present officers of the company: Walter E. Disney, president: Roy O. Disney, executive vice-president; Lessing, vice-president, Morris, secretary-treasurer; Oliver B. Johnston, assistant secretary-treasurer; and Franklin Waldheim. assistant secretary."
a Precedent;
Establishing a precedent unions. Screen Cartoonists"
"cartoon for the government entitled Rationing of Foods," 1,300 prints of which have already been ordered for release the latter part of February. The film was completed in a record three weeks' time, with studio facilities contributed by Leon Schlesinger, and sound stage and recording equipment by Warner Bros. Purpose of the black-and-white short which will be released through OWI is to acquaint the public with the"
the significance of the
how and why
point rationing."
"Disney Gets Harvard Help on Aryan Race Boston —
Walt Disney, comic cartoon expert, arrived in town last week for a series of discussions with Ernest Ralph Hooton, Harvard anthropologist and expert on man and his habits.
The idea appears to be that Disney will make a color-cartoon poking some well -deserved ridicule at Hitler and his Aryanism, and Hooton knows just about all there is to know about the subject. Harvard Not New to Walt
Harvard not new to Walt
Hooton himself is about as colorful a
man as ever taught a class at
Harvard, with a knack all his own for breaking into the news. Disney should have no trouble getting material from the good professor.
Harvard is nothing new to Walt. Five years ago the staid old university handed him an honorary master's degree for "outstanding artistic achievements." There is a rumor another degree may be forthcoming.
Accompanying Disney on this trip are Joe Grant and Dick Huemer, both laborers in the Disney film yards."
Is it a Coinicidence?
Then again, it may be only a coincidence, but "Saludos Amigos" opened at the Majestic Saturday, while Walt was in town, and although most of the Disneys stand very well on their own feet, thank you, it would be a fair guess that poppa's presence and the attendant publicity did the film no harm.
Well, we said maybe it was just a coincidence, didn't we?"

Donald Duck's Daddy
Here's Walt Disney with two friends at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston, where the daddy of Donald Duck stopped on a trip to confer with a Harvard anthropologist. Left to right, Gus J. Schaefer, northeastern district manager for RKO; Miss Jean Wray of Norton, Va., and the WAVES, and Disney himself.
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