BoxOffice November 27, 1943
Unusually, they reviewed a Blue Ribbon reissue down below...
"Cartoon Screen Rights
New York— Republic has acquired from Stephen Slesinger the screen rights to the newspaper cartoon .series called "Red Ryder," starring Wild Bill Elliott, a cartoon character created by Fred Harmon. The strip is distributed through NEA to 700 papers. There is also a Red Ryder magazine, published by Hawley, which is said to have a two million circulation."
"Pal to compose an original score lor color Puppetoon. And to Think That Mulberry Straat,"
MAURICE DE PACKH has been engoged by George"
"The conference now has 6,000 members mcluding painters, machinists, film technicians, cartoonists, office workers, and set
"To Compose Original Score
Maurice n<- Piirkh has been engaged by George Piil Id compo.sp an original score for the Technicolor Puppetoon, "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.""
"Manager Len Herbert ran a special Saturday morning show of cartoons and comedies for children, admission being at least three magazines. The result was more than 3.000 suitable magazines received"
Showmandiser p14
"Aladdin's Lamp
7 Mins.
(Terrytoon Cartoon)
doughboys learn to their amazement of the wonders of Aladdin's Lamp in this modern version of the beloved fable. Kids in particular should go for this footage.
Goodnight Rusty
Paramount (Madcap Models) 71/2 Mins. Very Good. George Pal works his customary magic in this tale ol a little boy who Strange secretly smokes his first cigar. things soon begin to happen as the cigars come to life and scare the daylights out of him. Chastened, the lad gets back into bed as his mother opens the door to bid him goodnight. In chorus, the living cigars whisper: "goodnight, mother!
The Lion and the Mouse
(Terrytoon Cartoon)
7 Warn.
Entertaining. The younger element should figuratively toss their hats in the air over this streamlined treatment of the "Lion and the Mouse" fable. But instead of the lion falling into a trap made of rope, he falls into
a deep well. The mouse is converted into a Superman-mouse for the nonce. Then to repay the debt he owes the lion, he proceeds to rescue him from the we!!"
"Reissue (Blue Ribbon Cartoons) 7 Mins. Swell. Warner chose wisely in bringing back this cartoon, one of the funniest seen In sure to please all age recent years. It's groups. The western town of "Sleepy Valley" is continually being harassed by bank raids The latter esperpetuated by "The Terror. capes many traps set for him. Our hero, however,
trapping the elusive banThe footage furnishes countless hearty
"took second prize of $50 among exhibitors west of the Mississippi for his campaign on Walt Lantz Cartimes. Joe Katz, manager of the Grand in Benld, 111., won the second prize of $100 for featurette exploitation in cities with less than 10.000 population and second prize of $50 among exhibitors east of the Mississippi for exploitation of Walt Lantz Cartunes."(plus more on this)
"for service, now is stationed in Tennessee Remember Carl D. Jensen, Hartford Courant reporter? He now is an army air force officer candidate at the Governor Hotel. Miami Beach, Fla. Prior to his work for the Courant Jensen was employed by the Walt Disney studios in California Joe DiLorenzo of the Daly"